Friday, August 27, 2010


Hello! I am GS350JPN! Why do I call myself that? I own a black Lexus GS350. Everywhere I go, I drive. I have been living in Japan for sixteen years. I lived in Moriyama Ku, Nagoya in Aichi Prefecture. I lived there for about 5 years. I moved to Wakayama City and settled here. This blog is about my life in Japan. I have had some very interesting things happen to me. I want you to see Japan through my eyes. Please enjoy my interesting crazy fun life. I have traveled by car to Tokyo, Yokahama, Yokosuka, Chiba Prefecture, Nagoya, Toyota, Nara, Kyoto, Kobe, Himeji, Hiroshima, Okayama, Shirohama, Gifu City, Gobo City, Tanabe City, Yao City, Namba, Umeda, Osaka City, Mie Ken, Otsu, Kofu, Amemura (Minami Osaka), Kishiwada City, Izumisnao City, Iwade City, Hashimito City, and many other places in Japan. I flew to Okinawa, also. Japan is a very exciting place to visit, however, as a resident, Japan is full of excitement. Very few tourist get to experience how it is to mingle in the jingle of "Japanese lifestyles".

I hope this blog keeps you on edge. I am.

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